Friday, September 29, 2006


Il New York Times perde copie e credibilità ma resta il giornale più glamour per non capire gli Usa. Pendiamolo quindi a riferimento.

The Queen

However Heavy It Gets, Wear a Crown Lightly
Stephen Frears's sublimely nimble evisceration of the British royal family pries open a window in the House of Windsor around the time of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.

This toughness is bracing, at times exhilarating, and it also reminds you of just how very good a director Mr. Frears can be; certainly it’s a relief after the shameless pandering in his last venture, “Mrs. Henderson Presents.” The new film serves as a return to form for the director not only of “Dangerous Liaisons” and “The Grifters,” both of which share with “The Queen” an interest in toxic tribal formations, but also of more freewheeling ensemble entertainments like “Sammy and Rosie Get Laid.”

The Black Dahlia

In a Noir Los Angeles, Murder Most Lurid

By Manohla Dargis

THE union of Brian de Palma and the murdered woman known as the Black Dahlia should have been a marriage made in movie heaven or, preferably, hell. A master of modern horror, Mr. De Palma has a flair for the frenzy of violence, specifically when visited on the female body, which makes him seem an ideal fit for this spectacularly cruel crime. At their finest, his films are marvels of virtuosity, alive to the contradictory, at times disreputable pleasures of the movies. Blood runs through his work, but so does juicy life. In The Black Dahlia though, that life has been drained from the filmmaking, much as the blood was drained from the victim’s body.

Manohla Dargis ha iniziato a pubblicare nel 1987 per "The Village Voice", dopo esperienze ad "L.A. Weekly" ha assunto la direzione editoriale della movie section per il "New York Times". Oggi è una delle più autorevoli critiche degli Stati Uniti.

A.O. Scott collabora dal 2000 con il "New York Times". Probabilmente il più grande critico cinematografico vivente.

Perchè scegliere queste due voci straniere? Perchè sono in anteprima, e per un po di solidarietà verso il decadente radical chic. Non me ne voglia Alessandro Porro. Avrà voce.

Per finire, mi piace pensare che l'inglese non sia un problema.

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